Awards Program: New Awards for 2022
Two new awards have been introduced for the 2022 show season, thanks to the generosity our our club president, Karen Harkin, and our Executive Board: Karen Harkin, Judi DeVore, Arlene Rhodes, and Susan Gregg.
The purpose of this award is to promote camaraderie and team spirit throughout GVDS and across dressage disciplines. Making its debut year in 2022, if interest warrants, the program will continue.
Dressage Team Challenge (sponsored by Karen Harkin)
Designed for teams, the specifications are:
Three-person teams consisting of a mix of Open, Adult Amateur, Junior and Young Rider. No more than one Open rider can be on a team. Riders can only ride one horse on a team, but a rider can ride on multiple teams on different horses. Three different riders on three different horses compose a team.
Each team is encouraged but not required to be a mix of Classical and Western Dressage riders.
Each team must be named and declared to the Points Chairperson before any rider participates in a show. Declarations can come at any time during the show year, but scores will not be retroactive and will only be counted after the Declaration is made.
Each rider must have a minimum of four scores at two shows with two different judges.
The top two scores from each horse/rider combination will be used to determine the average team score.
Highest average team score will receive a special award at the year-end awards dinner.
Because this change in team configuration is happening so close to the start of the show season, teams can be declared up to May 2, 2022, with a one-time retroactive opportunity for past scores from the April 23-24 show to count. Teams declared after May 2 will have only future shows count.
Points Chairperson is Cindy Petersen, or 970-210-9000.
The purpose of this award is to recognize a GVDS member who demonstrates outstanding horse care and sportsmanship both on and off the show grounds. Making its debut year in 2022, the award will be given annually if nominations warrant. If there are not adequate and qualified nominations, the award may not be given in any year.
GVDS Horsemanship Award (sponsored by the GVDS Executive Board)
Designed for any member, the specifications are:
Open, Adult Amateur, Junior and Young Riders are eligible.
Individuals display outstanding horsemanship by always putting their horse first, before their competition goals, or personal achievements in a non-show environment as recognized by their barn mates at home and at horse shows by their peers, volunteers and show officials.
Horsemanship goes beyond simply riding or caring for the horse. It also involves the combination of both mounted and unmounted knowledge and abilities. Qualified candidates will exhibit comprehensive knowledge of horse care, knowledge of their desired discipline and willingness to share that knowledge to help others to learn.
Nominations are accepted during the show year and sent to the GVDS President at
This award may not be awarded every year, depending on the number of nominations and the applicability of the nomination to the award specifications.
The GVDS Executive Board will determine the winner. A perpetual trophy and an award will be presented at the year-end awards dinner.