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2025 Youth Scholarship Program - Apply by March 1st

To promote the sport of dressage amongst younger riders, GVDS will offer financial assistance through a scholarship to eligible youth who demonstrate a commitment to horses, dressage and showing. Youth will be
selected based on the scholarship criteria and within the timeframes outlined below. Scholarships will be awarded annually before the beginning of the show season.

Scholarship Award 

Youth who are selected as a Scholarship Recipient will:

  • If not already a member or associate, become a GVDS Associate when the scholarship is awarded,
    and will receive the standard GVDS Associate benefits. The value of the GVDS Associate benefit is

  • Additional financial assistance for up to $50 for each of the three (3) GVDS schooling shows can be used for show entry and show fees with a $150/year maximum. Scholarship Recipients must enter the schooling show for which they are requesting financial assistance:  April 18, 2025 – Schooling Show I
                        August 23-24, 2025 – Schooling Show II
                        October 11-12, 2025 - Schooling Show III

  • For each show where the Scholarship Recipient is requesting financial assistance, they are required to contribute a minimum of two (2) hours performing any of the operational show activities shown in the Approved Show Assistance section of this document. If the hours of assistance are not completed and confirmed by the Show Manager or Volunteer Coordinator at the completion of the show, any further financial assistance with show and entry fees may be unavailable to the Scholarship Recipient for the remainder of the show season.

Required Assistance Hours

  • These assistance hours are in addition to the minimum four (4) volunteer hours required for year-end award eligibility. To qualify for GVDS year-end awards these additional two (2) volunteer hours must be completed sometime during the show year. The four (4) year-end award hours can be completed by writing articles for the newsletter, preparing social media posts, soliciting sponsors, or assisting at clinics and events under the supervision of the GVDS applicable committee chairperson, or working additional hours at the shows.

Classical Dressage Award Winners


The Scholarship Applicant must be at least eight (8) years of age and no more than seventeen (17) years of age on January 1, the beginning of the current show season. Each Scholarship Applicant must be recommended by their trainer/coach/instructor who will complete and sign the appropriate section on the application. Parental or Legal Guardian signature is also required on the application. A release form for use of photos must be attached to the application, the form is part of this application and can also be downloaded:
In addition, all successful applicants must be willing to help with the GVDS Youth Camp, June 17-19, 2025, if they attend the camp.

Scholarship Criteria

Every eligible Scholarship Applicant who FULLY completes the attached application, including all the required information and signatures, will be considered for the scholarship. Incomplete applications will not be considered.


  • Applicants must have demonstrated responsibility and commitment in the care of the horse they ride in their lessons and if applicable, the horse that they show. Prior horse show experience is not required but will be a consideration for the scholarship.

  • The application requires a short, handwritten explanation by the Scholarship Applicant describing how they have demonstrated commitment to horses, dressage and showing. Applicants do not need to own the horse that they ride.

  • However, if the recipient intends to qualify for GVDS year-end awards, per the GVDS Awards requirements, the owner(s) of the horse used by the Scholarship Recipient must be an RMDS/GVDS member or a GVDS Associate, unless the horse is owned by a non-profit organization.

Application Process and Timelines

  • Applications are due by March 1, 2025, based on the postmark date. Applications (only pages 3 and 4) should be mailed to: Arlene Rhodes, 3051 Walnut Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81504.

  • Applications will be reviewed by the GVDS Executive Board by March 15, 2025. The Scholarship Recipient will be notified prior to the opening entry date of the GVDS Schooling Show I, April 18, 2025 The Executive Board reserves the right to conduct oral interviews with Applicants by Zoom if necessary.

  • If four (4) Scholarship Applicants are not chosen prior to March 28, 2025, the GVDS Executive Board may re-open the Scholarship Application period with a new due date of July 1, 2025, based on the postmark date. Applications will be reviewed by July 15, 2025 and Scholarship Recipients notified prior to the opening entry date of the GVDS August Schooling Show II.

Approved Show Assistance Opportunities

Scholarship Recipients who received financial assistance at shows and desire to schedule their two (2) assistance hours must arrange their assistance with the Show Manager or the Volunteer Coordinator. Upon completion of the assistance, they must confirm with the Show Manager or Volunteer Coordinator the assistance hours that were completed. Suggested activities include:
●Score Sheet Runner
●Show arena set up
●Show arena, show equipment, and show signage take down
●Arena maintenance during the show (raking, resetting arena during breaks)
●Show grounds maintenance (manure pickup in the parking lot and around the show arenas, trash pick-up)

General Program Guidelines and Information

GVDS may award up to four (4) separate scholarships each year. It is possible that no Scholarship Applicants will be awarded scholarships based on eligibility and criteria. Scholarship Applicants who are not awarded scholarships may request feedback from the Executive Board on how to improve future applications. No scholarship can be transferred to another and is only eligible for the awarded Scholarship Recipient. Any unused show financial assistance may not be carried forward and used at a future show in coming years. At the end of the 2025 show season any unused show entry fee credits are void.
When completing your show entry, financial assistance may be applied to the show office fee and entry fees for any classes offered at GVDS schooling shows. Recipients will note the $50 credit on their entry form, or if done electronically, in an email to the show secretary. Points earned at these shows may be applied to GVDS year-end awards for any applicable classes entered. Please refer to the 2025 GVDS Awards Criteria for the complete rules.


2242 Signal Rock Court

Grand Junction, CO  81505-8305

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Dressage on the Western Slope of Colorado since 1996


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