Member-Sponsored Clinics
Beth Baumert, September 30, October 1

Are you ready to get a jump-start on your training for next year? Beth Baumert is coming to Anita Williams Dressage in Eagle, CO September 30 - October 1!
Some riding spots may still be available. Annie and Anita would also be delighted for you to visit their farm as an auditor. Beth conducts her clinics to provide maximum benefit for everyone's education. Beth was Annie's mentor for many years and she has an excellent eye paired with a way of communicating that helps riders understand the abstract concepts of dressage in a concrete way. Beth is a stickler for the basics and follows the correct principles of dressage to achieve great success at all levels. Beth wrote When Two Spines Align: Dressage Dynamics and How Two Minds Meet, The Mental Dynamics of Dressage.
Please contact Annie Morris or 928-963-2066 for more information.