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Imagine…. You’ve planned out your 2024 show and educational year, set your goals and are ready to sign up to ride in or audit that very competitive clinic or enter this important horse show only to find out that you are not a member of the required organization! Arghh! OR you’ve had an amazing show year and are looking forward to competing in championships or earning a year-end award only to be informed that your horse does not have the required membership.  Double Arghh!!


Grand Valley Dressage Society (GVDS) wants to help mitigate these scenarios from happening to you.  Before you join every dressage organization there is, spend an hour with GVDS via Zoom learning about the various memberships available, what is required depending on specific plans and goals, and how to maximize the memberships you have.  Think about what memberships you need to help you accomplish your equestrian plan.

  • Understand the differences between RMDS/GVDS membership and GVDS Associates;

  • Learn about the USDF benefits of being an RMDS/GVDS member;

  • Learn about which USDF and USEF memberships you need to show;

  • Learn about which western dressage memberships you need to participate in on-line shows, earn year-end awards and qualify for the WDAA World Championship;

  • Learn about horse registration requirements (not breed registration)

This is the time to join or rejoin the various organizations, including GVDS.  Many of the clinics are open only to members; some programs are free to members; many of the programs are open to both members and non-members, but non-members are charged a significantly higher non-member fee. Shows charge non-member fees too.  Joining the correct organization may be the most cost effective way to help you.

Start your 2024 with a solid membership foundation.  Join us for this informative Zoom discussion to understand the benefits of you and your horse belonging to various organizations.


WHEN: Tuesday, February 13; 6:30 pm via Zoom

HOW: Join Zoom Meeting 




PS: RMDS/GVDS members: Membership price increases after January 31.  Join or Renew now!



2242 Signal Rock Court

Grand Junction, CO  81505-8305

GVDS Logo dk grey.png
Dressage on the Western Slope of Colorado since 1996


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